A Canadian Family

First Nations, French Canadians & Acadians

SK | Moose Mountain I.R. | Cree (1911)

Main Index: Native/First Peoples/Metis Surnames | Census Extracts

These census posts  are part of a larger project to identify the surnames that have appeared among Indigenous, Metis and Mixed-heritage people over the past few hundred years across what is now Canada. 

Wherever possible, I’ve posted census links to the individual surnames – but either way there is always a link to the overall census at the foot of the post under External Links.  In addition, some of the older posts have orange colour coding. If a surname is orange-coloured it means that it appears in the marriage records on this site. Unfortunately, for technical reasons, the most recent posts don’t yet have this orange coding.

You may also be interested in two companion series of posts. The first  –  Canadian Marriage Extracts,  consists of transcribed marriage records. The second more recent project is a steadily growing series of Surname Anchor Posts.  Each surname post is dedicated to just one surname and its variations across Canada and over the past few hundred years. 

Note:  The goal of all these projects is to arrive at a representative sampling of the surnames. The list is not comprehensive and it relies primarily on settler records (non-indigenous). In all cases, indigenous peoples have the true knowledge of these surnames and of their peoples’ genealogy. 

This project is meant simply  as a jumping-off point for people who want to answer the questions: Has one of my surnames ever appeared in connection with indigenous or mixed-heritage records?  And if  so, where and when and among which peoples?

Census Data

Enumeration District: Assiniboia, Whitebear, Saskatchewan (1911)

Moose Mountain Indian Reserve


Ake Chuck  – Alex  – Alice – Allan  Andrew

 Annie  – Armstrong  – Asturn  – Awas

Bear  – Bennie  

Caminy  –  Chandeopesha

Charley  –  Child  –  Chmeyah

Eckwaytonkan  –  Eliza

Emly   – Etsonappi  – Ewacho

Fantery – Faver



Hay – Henry  – Hoosta


Jenary  –  Jimmie

  John  –  Johnny –  Joyce


Kahpetwapow  –  Kahpohmoway

Kahquhequah – Kakakaway  – Kakakoway

Kart Woman – Kasaput–  Katy


Lammy  – Lucy 

Maggie  – Mahpayhoot

Mahquawiemapit –  Manninas

 Marion  –  Mary  –  Masendutah

  Matosapo  –  Maxay  –  McArthur 

Miletue Mooeyah  – Minnit  – Mooscoot

 Nashota  – Nokahoot

Orowepesew  – Oskinequis

Pakus  –  Papooses

  Pewean  –  Phillip  –  Ptamadongia

Roy Egg

Shaowkshid  –  Shawatchewkoost  –  Shemaganish  

Shewauck  –  Shunisehsquos  –  Soosquatch

  Swing Her Thigh

Tahnapak –  Tahtwawetung

Techa –  Thunder –  Tokohoopi –  Tokokoopi

Wabaha –Waby –  Wah we kor winet

 Wahanahomad –  Wakendutah

Wakeyanwaka –  Warhen –  Wasegnos

Wastebaksho – Waywinchecappo

White Bear – William the Chouten


External Links

Enumeration District: Assiniboia, Whitebear, Saskatchewan (1911)

February 17, 2018 - Posted by | . | , ,

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