A Canadian Family

First Nations, French Canadians & Acadians

The Origins of Gaspe Fisherman Jean Baptiste Anglehart/Migkelhardt | Hessian mercenary? American Loyalist? | Dominique Ritchot

– voir en bas pour le texte originale en francais –

A few weeks ago noted Quebec researcher Dominique Ritchot saw some of my posts about Jean Baptiste Anglehart and was kind enough to provide some information about this early Quebec settler of German origin. Today I’m very pleased to offer this information because it comes from such a credible source.  For those who aren’t familiar with her, Ritchot is the archivist and a  researcher over at  Fichier Origine. Fichier Origine is a special project  of the Societe Genealogique  and consists of an online index of those founding couples of Quebec who are of French origin with a focus on their French families of origin. She’s also a published author (e.g. genealogical journal Memoires) and administrator of


However what will interest anyone with Quebec German ancestors is that Ritchot is also the administrator of the RootsWeb:Mailing Lists – QUEBEC-HESSIANS which is ” for anyone with a genealogical interest in the settlement of Hessian soldiers in Quebec, Canada, after the American Revolution”. Most recently she has translated the Virginia Easley-DeMarce book “The Settlement of Former German Auxiliary Troops in Canada” which should be available this winter en francais! Click on the link for further information.

Guest Post  – Dominique Ritchot

(Note: Original text in French follows. This is a loose translation!)

According to his marriage certificate, Jean-Baptiste Anglehart came from Germany. He was the first of his line to arrive in the Gaspe (Quebec).

Some researchers suggest that his mother was Amerindian (Native American) but this is doubtful since she didn’t come to Canada. This hypothesis is based on the sound of her surname. However, it must be pointed out that  in some German  regions it was traditional to feminize the surnames of families with the ending “ine”.  In the case of Jean-Baptiste Anglehart, Marie-Anne Kaw becomes Marie-Anne Kawine.

Returning to Jean-Baptiste Anglehart, the first mention of his presence in Canada is his marriage certificate.

I know of two soldiers from the German auxiliary troops who carry this surname. These troups came to defend Canada from the U.S.A. at the time of the American War of Independance.

ENGELHARDT, Bernhardt:

Brunswick, 1st Troop Transport, Ehrenkrook Battalion, Schlagenteuffel Company; founded in the 5th canton of Quinté  Bay(Ontario) on October 5th, 1784.


Brunswick, Specht Regiment ; deserted in1781, final destiny unknown.

Nevertheless, we must avoid hasty conclusions in connecting either of these soldiers with Jean Baptiste Anglehart, Gaspesian fisherman who married Anne Chapados (Jean & Catherine Laroche) on July 12th, 1798 in Paspebiac. Jean Baptiste Anglehart could also have arrived with the contingent of Loyalists who settled down in the  Baie des Chaleurs a further line of research would be to check the Lower Canada land grant requests as these might yield further information.

D. Ritchot – Son Texte Originale

“Selon son acte de mariage, Jean-Baptiste Anglehart est originaire d’Allemagne. C’est lui le premier ancêtre arrivé en Gaspésie.

Quelques sites de chercheurs suggérent que la mère du migrant serait Amérindienne, mais comme elle n’est pas venue au Canada, on peut douter de la véracité de cette suggestion. Cette hypothèse vient de la consonnance de son patronyme.

Il faut savoir que selon la tradition en vigueur dans certaines provinces germaniques, les patronymes sont féminisés avec la finale en « ine ». Dans le cas de Jean-Baptiste Anglehardt : Marie-Anne Kaw devient «Kawine ».

Pour en revenir à Jean-Baptiste Anglehart, la première mention de sa présence est son acte de mariage.

J’ai deux soldats portant ce patronyme dans ma base des troupes auxiliaires allemandes venues défendre

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January 16, 2010 Posted by | . | , , , | 22 Comments